Who We Are:
The American Academy of Pediatrics, CA Chapter 3 (AAP-CA3) launched a strategic behavioral health initiative in July 2023.
Our goal for this collaborative effort is to assess current behavioral health resources and needs for children and youth and develop a roadmap to a comprehensive continuum of care that meets the needs of our children and youth throughout the region and incorporates evidence-based and best practice care models.
In the first year, we conducted an environmental scan including mapping the children/youth behavioral health system of care, identifying best practices across the system, and s canning existing and relevant policies. Based on this environmental scan, the SBHI created an interim mapping and recommendations report.
We have also created a Steering Committee comprised of subject matter experts and thought leaders.
In the second year, we will convene Working Groups to advance the goals identified through our interim mapping and recommendations report, and ultimately develop a road map and advocacy plan for policy and program implementation.